May Allah accept your Good deeds,
Forgive your transgressions and ease the
Suffering of all the people around the Globe.
Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy,
Prosperous and Peaceful Eid.
Eid Mubarak!
SMS Text Messages and Quotes
Listing eid mubarak sms messages and quotes for Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. We also list eid wishes, eid messages and eid greetings for friends.
May Allah accept your Good deeds,
Forgive your transgressions and ease the
Suffering of all the people around the Globe.
Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy,
Prosperous and Peaceful Eid.
Eid Mubarak!
Thank the All mighty,
for blessing us with
so many gifts of nature.
Gratitude to the Almighty
for bringing us this day of joy
and forgiveness
this day of happiness
and ripen fruit.
Happy Eid Wishes!
I wish you all a very happy
and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds,
forgive your transgressions
and ease the suffering of all
peoples around the globe.
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E – Embrace with open heart
I – Inspire with impressive attitude
D – Distribute pleasure to all
~Eid Mubarak~
Hope Love & Laughter,
warmth & wishes joy
and a Bouquet of Eid Wishes,
Especially for you!!!
jublications become a past
of your eid and your life….!